13th June: Saint Antony of Padua
In 1221, St Francis held a general chapter (Franciscan Council) at Assisi. When the others dispersed, there lingered behind, unknown and neg

5th June: Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr
ST BONIFACE was born at Crediton, in Devonshire, England, in the year 680. Some missionaries staying at his father’s house spoke to him of h

3rd June: Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Today we commemorate the twenty-two canonized martyrs of Uganda, who died between 1885 and 1887. Charles Lwanga was born in Buddu County, Ug

1st June: Saint Justin Martyr
Saint Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, was the most important of the second-century apologist Fathers. The word “apologist” designates those

3rd May: Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles
ST PHILIP was one of the first chosen disciples of Christ. On the way from Judæa to Galilee, our Lord found Philip, and said, “Follow Me.” P

2nd May: Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, Bishop, Doctor
ST ATHANASIUS was born in Egypt towards the end of the third century, and was pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings from

29th April: Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor
ST CATHERINE, the daughter of a humble tradesman, was raised up to be the guide and guardian of the Church in one of the darkest periods of

25th April: Saint Mark the Evangelist
ST MARK was converted to the faith by the Prince of the Apostles, whom he afterwards accompanied to Rome, acting there as his secretary or i

Meet Your Father: What St Joseph Reveals to Us About God the Father
Our relationship with our heavenly Father only occurs through our relationship with Christ. In Baptism, we gain our inheritance which is the

Meet Your Mother: A Brief Introduction to the Mother of Jesus
After Jesus Himself, no human person has even been celebrated, praised, and honoured more than His very mother, Mary immaculate. She was spo